Thursday, February 25, 2016

Florida has Year Round Pests

Being in a moderate climate, winter time frosts don't put bugs at bay in Florida. So, there are certain pests we just have to deal with year round. The best way to deal with them is with a quarterly pest protection plan. Call us in Melbourne at 321-259-7844 for a free pest assessment for your home. You can also find tips on keeping the bugs at bay year round, on our website at

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Learn About the Granary Weevil

To prevent granary weevils from coming into your home there are a few measures to take. These weevils lay eggs inside grain kernels, so the pantry will be your first place to look. It's important to understand the life of this pest, the damage it can do, and how to control it so you don't get an infestation.

If you need to get rid of weevils in you home, contact Slug-A-Bug today.

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Friday, February 19, 2016

Floridians: Beware of Scorpions!

Florida is home to scorpions too and the painful bites that come from human encounters. But, there are things you can do to keep your home, yourself and your family safe from these pests. The agents at Slug-A-Bug would be happy to survey your property and discuss the potential of a scorpion problem and recommend a prevention or treatment plan. Call us today in Melbourne, Florida at 321-259-7844 and visit our website at

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Keep The House Mouse Out!

They are not so cute when they come into your home. Besides the disease they can carry, mice can wreak havoc on your home. But, there are things you can do to keep the house mouse out.

Contact Slug-A-Bug today to learn more about what we can do to help.

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Do You Know What a Drain Fly Is?

Understanding the behavior and characteristics of the pests you see in your home is the best defense to keeping them out. If you see flies hanging out in the bathroom, they could be drain flies. Get educated on the signs.

If you have drain flies in your home pick up your phone and call Slug-A-Bug today for fast effective pest removal.

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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Control the Beauty and the Pest

The Golden Silk Spider has a reputation for it's beautiful golden webs. But ironically, it's the web that gives this spider a reputation as an outdoor pest problem. Their webs can become really, really big and really, really sticky! If you are noticing more Golden Silk Spiders, call Slug-A-Bug in Melbourne, FL. to help you control the problem. We can be reached at 321-259-7844. And, visit our website today to learn more about our pest control services.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Winter Ants are Very Active Now

When most ants are tucked in for winter, one ant species, the Winter Ant comes out of it's nest and starts exploring the world. So just when you think you may have a break from the annoyance of ants invading your home, think again.

If you have ants invading your home, Slug-A-Bug can remove them quickly and efficiently.

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Friday, February 5, 2016

Say Go Home to Florida Woods Cockroaches

The Florida woods cockroach prefers to live outside in wooded areas. But, if conditions change outside, it's not unusual to find one creep inside your home. Your pest control pro at Slug-A-Bug in Brevard County can help keep these and other pests away. Call us today at 321-259-7844 and, visit our website to find out more about our pest control services.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Learn & Understand the Coconut Mealybug

Many pests give off warning signs of infestation. If you understand your offender, you have a better chance of preventing them and getting rid of them if they have already infested your home. The coconut mealybug is one you should learn more about. 

If mealybugs have already invited themselves into your home, make sure that you call your Slug-A-Bug, Brevard County Pest Control service to help you get rid of them.

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