Friday, May 27, 2016

It's Always Termite Season

Termite season does not have a set beginning or end, as termites are active year round. Even during seasons when termite activity is not as visible, they can still be damaging your house. So, regardless of the season or the outside temperature, if you see signs of termite infestation, contact your local Brevard county pest control professional. Slug-A-Bug will offer a free inspection if you call today at 321-259-7844. And, visit our website for more information at



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Taking the Sting Out of Fire Ant Infestations

Fire ants are more than a nuisance, they are dangerous and can bring painful and sometimes lethal consequences. Learn more about them and what you can do to keep them out of your backyard and your family safe. Call Slug-A-Bug today and ask about how we can safely deny fire ants from your property.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Be Careful When Cleaning!

When it comes time for spring cleaning, take precautions. You never know, there just might be a Black Widow Spider lurking underneath that box or in that corner. And, they can deliver a painful bite. Call Slug-A-Bug today in Melbourne, Florida to schedule an inspection and establish a treatment plan. Call at 321-259-7844 and visit our website at


Friday, May 20, 2016

Get The Facts of Life (and Roaches)

Are you aware of the signs of a roach infestation and what preventative measures you can take? Don't let roaches take control. If you have an infestation, call a professional like Slug-A-Bug. Call Slug-A-Bug and we can use precision measures to address your roach problem and clean your house out for good.


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Get a Healthy Lawn

Lawns that are not properly cared for become stressed and more susceptible to insect feeding and weed growth. Slug-A-Bug in Melbourne, FL. can help identify the underlying problem and address it with a management plan, so you can have a beautiful and healthy lawn. Set up a lawn care service today and call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844. And, learn more about our services by visiting our website at


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Learn The Truth About Gulf Coast Ticks

Gulf Coast Ticks are a fact of life in Florida, but there are some prevention steps you can take. Learn more about this tick in our area and what you can do to keep yourself and your pets safe from the diseases they carry.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Getting Rid of Unwanted Wildlife Around Your Home

Do you have unwanted wildlife around your home? Slug-A-Bug is Brevard county's premier wildlife control expert. When you call Slug-A-Bug, we'll solve the mystery of exactly what kind of wildlife you're fighting and what you can do about it now. Learn more about our wildlife removal and control program.  


Scorpions Launch Surprise Attacks

It's would be quite a surprise to pull on your shoes to be stung by a scorpion. But, the Southern Devil scorpion has a habit of getting himself into trouble and occasionally having to defend himself against a big toe. Thankfully, the sting from a Southern Devil scorpion isn’t lethal, but it is painful. If you see a scorpion in your house, Call Slug-A-Bug in Melbourne, Florida at 321-259-7844 and learn more about us by visiting our website today at


Friday, May 6, 2016

Don't Get Stung!

will defend their small nests like any protective mother. Thankfully, Mud Dauber stings are fairly rare. If you leave the female alone as she builds her nest, you’ll avoid the painful sting. For more information on how to control a Mud Dauber problem call Slug-A-Bug today in Melbourne, FL at 321-259-7844 or visit our website at


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Get Rid of Aphids on Your Plants

Aphids can chew through your garden or plant nursery in a single season. And, these nuisances are difficult to get rid of because they are resistant to insecticide treatments. Slug-A-Bug has a reliable record of eliminating aphids
Slug-A-Bug will take a look at your infestation, sit down with you and create a unique plan to save your plants, and keep your garden as beautiful as it can be.
