Slug-A-Bug has offered a commitment to excellence and devotion to the Brevard County Florida community since 1982. Offering Green pest control, K9 Termite Control, Bed Bug Control, lawn care & more.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Getting Rid of White Grubs in Your Yard
Lawn grubs can live through almost anything, and they'll eat through your entire lawn. Learn what you can do to control white grub growth in your yard now.
If you have lawn damage and suspect white grubs, contact Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844. We can inspect for this pest or any others and see if lawn pest control is needed.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Biting Flies Control in Florida
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Palmetto Bug Are More than "Just a Bug"
Palmetto bugs can be a real problem in some homes in Brevard County and all over Florida. Learn how to spot palmetto bug and get rid of them in your home.
By the time you see a cockroach, it means it’s risking being seen only because the cockroach population is out of control and this one is looking for resources. Contact Slug-A-Bug for palmetto bug removal and control ASAP.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
What Types of Striped Scorpion Lives in Florida?
Florida is home to several types of scorpions - Florida Bark Scorpion, Hentz Striped Scorpion, Guiana Striped Scorpion. Their stings can hurt & could even cause serious injury. The best possible scorpion control is done by removing areas where they might hide near the home. Contact Slug-A-Bug for scorpion control or scorpion removal. We have the experience, training, and equipment to safely get rid of scorpions. Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Big Rains Brings the Need for Mosquito Removal
Fighting mosquitoes is tough with all of the rain we've had lately, but you can keep the population out of your way with these tips from Slug-A-Bug in Melbourne, FL.
You can get rid of mosquitoes, or at least most of them, through effective mosquito control practices. If you need professional mosquito removal contact Slug-A-Bug.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Getting Rid of Mice and Keeping Them Away
A mouse problem isn't something to take lightly. Getting rid of mice in your home begins with tracking down how they got in. Rodent experts at Slug-A-Bug will inspect potential entrances into your home. If a mouse managed to find its way in, then other animals could too. This is a particularly important as winter approaches. While doesn't get too cold here, mice will still seek shelter in warmer indoor environments because of cool nights. Tired of dealing with mice? Call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 and we'll take care of the problem for you.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Ticks Don’t Take a Break in Florida
Tick prevention isn't always easy, but it is absolutely necessary. Take a peek at what you can do.
If you have a tick infestation on your property, a pest control company like Slug-A-Bug can help you get rid of ticks. We can check your property for tick activity, and instruct you on how to change the environment in small but meaningful ways that deter ticks from the property.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Treating Chigger Bites and the Preventative Solution
The best way to treat chigger bites is to take a bath. Wash with soap & rinse thoroughly, which will kill unattached chiggers. However, once they have already sunk into your skin they will need to be addressed more directly. You will need to apply an antiseptic to any bite/welt areas. This will kill any chiggers that are attached as well as prevent any infection. Chiggers can be hiding in your yard & landscaping. To help get rid of chiggers in your yard contact Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 and ask about our lawn care service.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Employ Chinch Bugs Control To Prevent Serious Damage to Your Lawn
Chinch bugs usually feed on the sunniest areas of your lawn, but professional lawn control can help. Learn more about these problem creatures now.
Call Slug-A-Bug today. As a Brevard County lawn pest control service we can employ creative, environmentally friendly pest control methods to manage and eliminate chinch bug populations.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Consult the Experts for Big Headed Ant Removal and Prevention
Big Headed Ants like wood piles and dense vegetation for their nests. Ant prevention begins by keeping these piles separated from your home and by cutting back dense vegetation. If you use mulch, leave a separation of several inches at least between it and your house. If you do have a nest though, ant nest removal can be done fairly quickly by utilizing a special bait & taking advantage of how quickly these ants spread food. We can help you everything you need to know about big headed ants. Call us at Slug-A-Bug 321-259-7844 for a free evaluation.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Identifying the Types of Fly Bites in Florida
Biting flies are a serious problem, and understanding what you can do to stop them is nothing short of a must.
Whatever approach you use, the most important thing is to remain consistent. You can also contac a Brevard County Pest Control service like Slug-A-Bug. Contact us today for help with Melbourne fly control today.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Cockroach Prevention with Brevard County Pest Control Service
The first step to getting rid of cockroaches is to roach-proof your home against them. You can get rid of as many as you can but it doesn't do any good if there's still a way for them to get into your home. Find and seal any cracks and gaps where roaches get get into your home. The other part includes wiping up crumbs, sealing your food up, and taking out the garbage regularly. Roaches are only attracted to a home if it provides them access to food and water. Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 for a free pest inspection can save you a lot of trouble later on.
Taking Care of a Mouse Problem Is Important
Mice are quite adept at hiding, but you will see where they’ve been. Get rid of mice in your Melbourne home before they cause damage. And hope the mouse doesn’t have a family it’s raising in your chewed-up insulation.
Got a mouse problem? Call in the rodent experts at Slug-A-Bug today.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Prevent Big Headed Ants and Keep th Nuisance Away
While big-headed ants live outside your home, they will come in and search for food. They can be a host for tapeworms so the best choice is just to rid them from your home area.
Slug-A-Bug can tell you everything you need to know about big headed ants if you’re having an ant prevention problem. We can also help you in big headed ant removal. Just let us know what you need.
Friday, October 20, 2017
How Can Carpenter Bees Damage Your Home?
Did you know that carpenter bees don't create hives but rather bore a hole into wood. This hole acts like a suburban road – many bees may enter it and each builds a home of their own that runs along it. A single carpenter bee hole may actually lead to homes belonging to different species of bees. At Slug-A-Bug, we use integrated pest management as a way to get rid of carpenter bees but also to prevent them from boring into your home. This approach uses ways to repel carpenter bees & other pests. To find out more about our carpenter bee elimination program, call Slug-A-Bug pest 321-259-7844 to schedule a free consultation.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Learn About the Rhinoceros Beetles in Florida
This beetle loves fruit and if he finds a meal in your home, he may stay. One of the bigger problems with the Rhinoceros beetle is the creatures that feed on them, like snakes.
If you’ve got too many rhinoceros beetles and you want them gone, let us know. At Slug-A-Bug, we can help you out with your pest problem, and teach you a few things about the beetles if you like.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Rainy Weather Sets Out the Buffet for Termites
Rain is great for plants & our lawns but it does something else. It softens and damages wood. This makes fallen logs, tree stumps and parts of your home seem like a good meal. Termites actually eat the wood in your home. If parts of your home are damaged, they're easier to eat and use to sustain their colonies. What can you do? Check areas of your home where there are leaks, or where you know there is standing water or damaged wood. This includes interior wood that might be damaged by leaky pipes, exterior wood that might be damaged by old gutters, and anything damaged by a leaking roof. Termites are hard to detect until they've caused real damage, but these are areas where you might see them, or find the wings they've shed. Call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 and let our termite experts take care of any problems with termites.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Read These Tips to Prevent Diseases Carried by Ticks
Ticks can transmit a number of diseases, including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever & Lyme Disease. These can be debilitating. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is more common in Florida and the mortality rate is high when it goes untreated. Check yourself after a hike or any walk that takes you through long grasses or dense overgrowth. Remove any ticks as soon as you find it. Don't delay, and make sure you remove the head of the tick and not just the body. If the head is left it will still feed and can pass disease. Put the tick in a bag with a good seal, so you can ensure you've got the entire thing. If you have a tick problem, call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Remove Paper Wasp Before They Build Their Nests
No one wants to see hundreds of thousands of paper wasps swarming their home. Now is the best time to get rid of them.
Removing paper wasp nests is necessary because they won’t leave on their own. They’ll only become more numerous and spread additional nests on your property. They can be a special risk to children, the elderly, and pets.
A Brevard County pest control service with experience in paper wasp removal should be consulted.
Removing paper wasp nests is necessary because they won’t leave on their own. They’ll only become more numerous and spread additional nests on your property. They can be a special risk to children, the elderly, and pets.
A Brevard County pest control service with experience in paper wasp removal should be consulted.
Friday, October 6, 2017
Are Traps Effective When Dealing with Yellow Flies in Florida?
Yellow flies are some of the most difficult Florida flies to manage. Traps are somewhat effective, as are emptying standing pools of water around your home (this will also help cut down on mosquito and sand flea populations). It's important to prevent ways that yellow flies can get into your home. Although female yellow flies consume blood, male yellow flies prefer pollen and nectar – meaning sugary drinks or spills will attract the overall yellow fly population. If you have a serious yellow fly problem, or you're getting bites, call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 as soon as you can.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Treating Chiggers with Brevard County Lawn Care Service
A Brevard County Lawn care service with a focus on chigger remediation can help get rid of annoying chiggers living in your yard. And keep you and your family chigger bite free.
Slug-A-Bug lawn care service with a focus on chigger remediation can solve this for you. As we provide both pest control and lawn care service, we can both inspect your home and property to make sure you get rid of chiggers.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Not Much About the Florida Lovebug Insect is Lovable
You may not be too familiar with them because the lovebug insect is relatively new to Florida.
Lovebugs are a pest that needs professional help to be tackled. Associated environmental changes can also help them from ever returning once they have been removed.
Contact Slug-A-Bug for help with lovebugs today.
Friday, September 22, 2017
One Step You Can Take for Spider Control
To get rid of spiders & control their population, start with regular cleaning. Spiders love to populate corners and hard to reach places. You may not be able to get there easily, but bugs can, and that makes for a perfect spider home. Spiders need food, and that means mosquitoes, flies, bugs of almost any sort. Make sure your screen windows are secure and that cracks are sealed up. Clean up crumbs and don't leave water out. These things attract bugs, which in turn attract spiders. Dump out any standing water you see on your property. These are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, that spiders love to eat. If you need extra help getting rid of spiders in and around your home, call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free evaluation.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
They're Called No-See-Ums But You Can Sure Feel Them!
Because of their minute size, you normally won't notice No-See-Ums until you feel their bite. Humans have an allergic reaction that is localized but not life-threatening. These bites can later turn very itchy and even develop into welts. To deter no-see-ums, make sure you dump standing water on your property. Use an insect repellent when you go outdoors (make sure you consult a veterinarian about what repellents are and aren't safe for your pets). Certain mosquito traps that emit carbon dioxide can be effective in distracting no-see-ums. Finer mesh screens will keep most no-see-ums out of your home. If you suspect you have no-see-ums on your property, consult Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844.
Closer Look at the Lone Star Tick and the Allergies it Can Cause
The Lone Star Tick is one serious bad boy in the world of ticks and pests in general. Check out how problematic this tiny creepy crawly is, and why you should be worried.
Contact Slug-A-Bug for more information on tick prevention and control in your yard. We can also perform tick control on your property, helping to remediate all Florida ticks including the Lone Star Tick.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Get Rid of Carpenter Bees Using Elimination Program
Carpenter bees can do some real damage to your home. Learn about the potential for problems and how to get rid of them now.
At Slug-A-Bug, we use integrated pest management as a way to not just get rid of carpenter bees, but to prevent them from considering your home as a legitimate place to nest. Integrated pest management looks at the entire environment and ways to make it repel carpenter bees as well as other pests.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Do Fire Ants Bite or Sting?
While fire Ants bite, it is actually the sting that's painful. Most ants bite and spray an acid on the bite. Lovely, right? But Fire Ants do one better. They bite to get a secure grip on you. It's hard to break, yet the painful part comes from the sting. They'll sting in a semi-circle as they hold onto you, injecting a venom that will create a burning sensation. These stings will later welt up and turn into blisters. Some people are more sensitive to these stings than others. These blisters may also become infected if popped, which could leave permanent scars. Prevent the danger of Fire Ants by calling Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 and schedule your appointment today.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Melbourne FL Termite Control During Rainy Weather Season
Termites are not something to take lightly. Termites are a serious issue for homeowners, but there are things you can do for termite prevention. Take a look at our best options.
If you suspect you have termites, contact Slug-A-Bug, a Brevard County Pest Control service can perform an inspection on the home or property.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Whiteflies Carry Disease that Can Ruin Your Garden
Whiteflies are harmless to humans, but they carry a number of diseases that can infect plants and can carry diseases from one plant to the next. When you combine this with their feeding and mold propagation, whiteflies become deadly to a garden or vegetable patch. They do have many natural predators, such as ladybugs, so if your garden is lacking natural predators it may also be missing other vital nutrients that attract them. A pest management program for whiteflies is multifaceted. You can’t simply spray your garden with chemicals and hope that it kills whiteflies. The chemicals you can get at your local garden center don’t always work on these problem pests. Even worse, you could be killing more than the whiteflies. When it’s time to protect your garden from pests like these, it’s time to contact Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Should You Be Concerned About Fire Ants
What is a Fire Ant, and what is it doing in your yard? Fire Ants originate from Brazil, but they were brought here in the 1930s. They hitched a ride via cargo into Alabama. They’re aggressive and territorial, so they spread quickly in the South. If they’re in your yard, it’s only a matter of time before you start getting them in your home, too. Fire Ant removal is a must.
Contact Slug-A-Bug about getting rid of fire ants in your yard. We’re happy to help.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Those Florida Biting Yellow Flies Are Tough to Manage!
Are you getting bugged by annoying yellow biting flies? What are yellow flies and how do they differ from other types? Keep reading to learn more.
If you have a serious yellow fly problem, or you’re getting bites, contact Slug-A-Bug as soon as you can.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Four Types of Cockroaches But They All Have One Thing in Common
American, German, Asian and Smokybrown cockroaches are all disgusting in their own ways. But the one thing they have in common is their musty odor, which they use to communicate to each other. A cockroach infestation can quickly make your house smell badly. Cockroach prevention begins with making sure to clean up after yourself, don't leave crumbs out, wipe up anything sweet or sticky, and don't leave water sitting out overnight. Where you see one cockroach, there are likely many, many more. If you see a cockroach, call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 for a free evaluation.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
How To Get a Handle on Summertime Florida Tick Control
This year's HOT weather can only mean one thing - one serious tick problem. Get the lowdown and figure out what you can do to stop them.
Need help getting rid of ticks? Call Slug-A-Bug. As Florida tick control specialists, we’ve dealt with ticks and tick infestations many times before. There are ways to return your property to a Tick-free environment.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Three Things You Should Know About Killer Bees
1) Killer bees are another name for Africanized honey bees. Brazilian honey producers bred African & European honey bees together, creating bees that could make honey very quickly. 2) A worker accidentally released 26 swarms in the 1950s. 3) One killer bee is no more harmful than one regular bee. They're can be deadly due to how they behave as a swarm. The most important thing to know is NOT to try and deal with them on your own. Please call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 and let us evaluate and remove these dangerous bees for you.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Do you Know What No-See-Ums Are?
No-See-Ums are small flies found in humid, swampy, and coastal areas. No-see-ums are a real issue as the weather gets warmer. Learn what you can do about these problem pests now.
If you suspect you have no-see-ums on your property, consult a pest control company in Brevard County like Slug-A-Bug.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Four Fast Tips About Mosquito Bites
You can repel mosquitoes with some practical tips: 1) Wear mosquito repellent but don't over-apply the repellent or concentrate it in any one place. 2) Wearing longer clothes denies mosquitoes access to your skin. 3) Eliminate pools of standing water around your home. 4) If you get mosquito bites, don’t scratch. The bites will heal more quickly and ultimately give you less aggravation. For more tips and a free evaluation of your property to prevent mosquitoes call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844
Whitefly Prevention Starts by Putting a Good Plan in Place
Whiteflies have many natural predators, such as ladybugs, so if your garden is lacking natural predators and may also be missing the vital nutrients that attract them. Unfortunately, you connot just spray your garden with chemicals and hope that it kills whiteflies. The chemicals from your local garden center don’t always work on these problem pests. Moreover, you could be killing far more than the whiteflies. When it’s time to protect your garden from pests like these, it’s time to contact Slug-A-Bug at 877-283-4498 for a customized solution that works to control predators and protect your plants!
Friday, July 14, 2017
Why Food Storage is Important to Avoid Pantry Pests
Flour bugs, beetles & moths like to find their way into flour, cereal & baking mixes and can quickly ruin your baking experience. Sometimes an infestation will show itself as little brown bits in your food. Unopened food packages aren't immune: these bugs can chew right through even tough packaging like cardboard or foil. To avoid bugs in flour bags and containers, make sure the food you purchase hasn't been torn open or had its seal broken. Store them somewhere dry, and use airtight plastic or glass containers when you can. If you find pests in your pantry, call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844
Sunday, July 9, 2017
What do Cats and Dogs Have in Common? Fleas.
The cat flea is the most common type of flea you will come into contact with. This is the classic type of flea that we think of animals getting, and they're often picked up from other wildlife that's passed through recently – raccoons, opossums, and rodents. Despite the name, fleas on a dog will also usually be cat fleas. Slug-A-Bug will show you how to prepare your home for a flea treatment. We can also help you coordinate flea removal treatment with your veterinarian or a pet groomer so that you can get it all done quickly. To find out more call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844
Friday, July 7, 2017
Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Sites Now
Mosquito prevention means eliminating areas of standing water near and around your home. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing, undisturbed water, even just a shallow puddle that's been lingering. The more of these stagnant pools mosquitoes find, the more they'll breed in your area. If you've got a swimming pool, make sure you maintain it. If you don't, it can become your very own backyard mosquito mega-factory. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of this one key element in mosquito prevention. Want to find out more about mosquito prevention? Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Controlling Whitefly Damage in Your Melbourne Garden
Whiteflies aren’t actually flies. They’re more closely related to aphids. Whiteflies are tough to track, but they can do real damage. Learn what to look for and how to stop them now.
When it’s time to protect your garden from pests like these, it’s time to contact Slug-A-Bug for a customized solution that works to control predators and protect your plants! Contact a service that specializes in outdoor pest control like ours to begin protecting your garden from whiteflies.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Prevention is Key When Dealing with Mice
You probably already know the basic ways to keep rats and other pests out of your walls, floors, and attic. It can be summed up in one simple word: sanitary. Quickly clean when something gets dirty, don’t leave stale water out, don’t leave food out, vacuum and mopping regularly are just a few of the simple ways for rat prevention. But what if you’ve done all of this and you’re STILL dealing with a rat infestation? Call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844. We can help get rid of rats and put a prevention plan in place.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Carpenter Bees Go to Work on Your Home
Carpenter bees are some of the most amazing and unique animals on the planet, but they’re also a hassle if you've got property that's made from unfinished wood. Carpenter bee prevention is important because carpenter bees live in localized communities. What does this mean? It means that when a female carpenter bee sets up her home, she doesn't build a nest for thousands of other bees. Instead, she builds her own nest and other carpenter bees build their own nests in other locations but in the same area. Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 before carpenter bees set up shop on your property.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Cockroach Facts for Brevard County Cockroach Control
Cockroaches are not something you want invading your home, but understanding they different types of cockroaches in Brevard County FL may help you put a stop to these obtrusive pests.
To get rid of cockroaches in Brevard County, call Slug-A-Bug today. Where you see one cockroach, there are likely many, many more. Don’t put it off, as a cockroach infestation can get out of hand quickly.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Looking for the First Sign of Termites
To get rid of termites, we need to understand what sort of termite you have first. Termites swarm and shed their wings, so a disposed pair of wings you think nothing of may actually be the first sign that termites have found their new home – your home. As wood gets chewed up, you may also find galleries chewed into your walls or other wooden items. If the chewing is straight through the grain, you've got Drywood termites. If it follows the grain, you've got subterranean termites. Still not sure? Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 for a free evaluation.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
The Facts About Killer Bee Control In Florida
Killer bees are another name for Africanized honey bees. A single killer bee is not any more harmful than any other bee, but as a swarm, they can be deadly.
Don’t ignore a killer bee hive. If you think you have one, contact a pest control service like Slug-A-Bug, to check it out. If it’s off your property, contact the property owner or the county to have it addressed. You may know to avoid it, but the next jogger who passes by, or the next children playing nearby may not even know it’s there.
Monday, June 5, 2017
No One Wants to Deal with Cockroaches!
When it comes to cockroach control, many homeowners have tried to do it themselves. Some products purchased from local stores can lure them out from wherever they may be (inside the walls, in the trash, underneath, etc…) and ultimately displace them. That means that when you get home after leaving the products out for a few hours, there will be dozens, hundreds, if not thousands of wandering roaches all over your home. Yuck! Give us a call at 321-259-7844 and avoid the ghastly job of removing tons of cockroaches from your home!
Friday, June 2, 2017
Whitefly Prevention is Necessary to Keep Your Plants Safe
Whiteflies are tiny but dangerous pests to your plants for a number of different reasons. Take a look at the potential problems.
Contact Slug-A-Bug today for whitefly prevention and control. We also offer lawn and garden care, and tree and shrub care that can help identify and address these problems to keep your home and environment healthy and looking its best.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Sneaky Little Silverfish Scuttling Around Your Home?
Once silverfish have infested your home, they have the ability to reproduce up to 20 more silverfish each. The longer you go without letting professionals solve the problem, the more damage they will cause, the more invasive they will become and the more expensive it’s going to be to solve it. Different parts of your home need different treatment options, which is why it’s extremely important to have an expert pest control company take care of the problem for you. There is plenty you can do on a daily basis to ensure that a silverfish invasion won’t become a problem for the future. Call us first at 321-259-7844 then find out more at
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
The Best Termite Treatments for Florida Homes
It seems Florida homes and termites go hand in hand, but that doesn't have to be the case. These prevention methods can help.
Termidor termite treatments makes a big difference when you need to get rid of termites. Contact Slug-A-Bug for more information on termite treatments for your home.