1) Killer bees are another name for Africanized honey bees. Brazilian honey producers bred African & European honey bees together, creating bees that could make honey very quickly. 2) A worker accidentally released 26 swarms in the 1950s. 3) One killer bee is no more harmful than one regular bee. They're can be deadly due to how they behave as a swarm. The most important thing to know is NOT to try and deal with them on your own. Please call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 and let us evaluate and remove these dangerous bees for you. https://goo.gl/BDbMoq
Slug-A-Bug has offered a commitment to excellence and devotion to the Brevard County Florida community since 1982. Offering Green pest control, K9 Termite Control, Bed Bug Control, lawn care & more.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Three Things You Should Know About Killer Bees
1) Killer bees are another name for Africanized honey bees. Brazilian honey producers bred African & European honey bees together, creating bees that could make honey very quickly. 2) A worker accidentally released 26 swarms in the 1950s. 3) One killer bee is no more harmful than one regular bee. They're can be deadly due to how they behave as a swarm. The most important thing to know is NOT to try and deal with them on your own. Please call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 and let us evaluate and remove these dangerous bees for you. https://goo.gl/BDbMoq
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Do you Know What No-See-Ums Are?
No-See-Ums are small flies found in humid, swampy, and coastal areas. No-see-ums are a real issue as the weather gets warmer. Learn what you can do about these problem pests now.
If you suspect you have no-see-ums on your property, consult a pest control company in Brevard County like Slug-A-Bug.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Four Fast Tips About Mosquito Bites
You can repel mosquitoes with some practical tips: 1) Wear mosquito repellent but don't over-apply the repellent or concentrate it in any one place. 2) Wearing longer clothes denies mosquitoes access to your skin. 3) Eliminate pools of standing water around your home. 4) If you get mosquito bites, don’t scratch. The bites will heal more quickly and ultimately give you less aggravation. For more tips and a free evaluation of your property to prevent mosquitoes call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 https://goo.gl/uc5bfn
Whitefly Prevention Starts by Putting a Good Plan in Place
Whiteflies have many natural predators, such as ladybugs, so if your garden is lacking natural predators and may also be missing the vital nutrients that attract them. Unfortunately, you connot just spray your garden with chemicals and hope that it kills whiteflies. The chemicals from your local garden center don’t always work on these problem pests. Moreover, you could be killing far more than the whiteflies. When it’s time to protect your garden from pests like these, it’s time to contact Slug-A-Bug at 877-283-4498 for a customized solution that works to control predators and protect your plants! https://goo.gl/uy6ysR
Friday, July 14, 2017
Why Food Storage is Important to Avoid Pantry Pests
Flour bugs, beetles & moths like to find their way into flour, cereal & baking mixes and can quickly ruin your baking experience. Sometimes an infestation will show itself as little brown bits in your food. Unopened food packages aren't immune: these bugs can chew right through even tough packaging like cardboard or foil. To avoid bugs in flour bags and containers, make sure the food you purchase hasn't been torn open or had its seal broken. Store them somewhere dry, and use airtight plastic or glass containers when you can. If you find pests in your pantry, call Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 https://goo.gl/ghWdfg
Sunday, July 9, 2017
What do Cats and Dogs Have in Common? Fleas.
The cat flea is the most common type of flea you will come into contact with. This is the classic type of flea that we think of animals getting, and they're often picked up from other wildlife that's passed through recently – raccoons, opossums, and rodents. Despite the name, fleas on a dog will also usually be cat fleas. Slug-A-Bug will show you how to prepare your home for a flea treatment. We can also help you coordinate flea removal treatment with your veterinarian or a pet groomer so that you can get it all done quickly. To find out more call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 https://goo.gl/h62PJM
Friday, July 7, 2017
Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Sites Now
Mosquito prevention means eliminating areas of standing water near and around your home. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing, undisturbed water, even just a shallow puddle that's been lingering. The more of these stagnant pools mosquitoes find, the more they'll breed in your area. If you've got a swimming pool, make sure you maintain it. If you don't, it can become your very own backyard mosquito mega-factory. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of this one key element in mosquito prevention. Want to find out more about mosquito prevention? Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 https://goo.gl/6xE42j
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Controlling Whitefly Damage in Your Melbourne Garden
Whiteflies aren’t actually flies. They’re more closely related to aphids. Whiteflies are tough to track, but they can do real damage. Learn what to look for and how to stop them now.
When it’s time to protect your garden from pests like these, it’s time to contact Slug-A-Bug for a customized solution that works to control predators and protect your plants! Contact a service that specializes in outdoor pest control like ours to begin protecting your garden from whiteflies.