Slug-A-Bug has offered a commitment to excellence and devotion to the Brevard County Florida community since 1982. Offering Green pest control, K9 Termite Control, Bed Bug Control, lawn care & more.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Not Much About the Florida Lovebug Insect is Lovable
You may not be too familiar with them because the lovebug insect is relatively new to Florida.
Lovebugs are a pest that needs professional help to be tackled. Associated environmental changes can also help them from ever returning once they have been removed.
Contact Slug-A-Bug for help with lovebugs today.
Friday, September 22, 2017
One Step You Can Take for Spider Control
To get rid of spiders & control their population, start with regular cleaning. Spiders love to populate corners and hard to reach places. You may not be able to get there easily, but bugs can, and that makes for a perfect spider home. Spiders need food, and that means mosquitoes, flies, bugs of almost any sort. Make sure your screen windows are secure and that cracks are sealed up. Clean up crumbs and don't leave water out. These things attract bugs, which in turn attract spiders. Dump out any standing water you see on your property. These are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, that spiders love to eat. If you need extra help getting rid of spiders in and around your home, call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free evaluation.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
They're Called No-See-Ums But You Can Sure Feel Them!
Because of their minute size, you normally won't notice No-See-Ums until you feel their bite. Humans have an allergic reaction that is localized but not life-threatening. These bites can later turn very itchy and even develop into welts. To deter no-see-ums, make sure you dump standing water on your property. Use an insect repellent when you go outdoors (make sure you consult a veterinarian about what repellents are and aren't safe for your pets). Certain mosquito traps that emit carbon dioxide can be effective in distracting no-see-ums. Finer mesh screens will keep most no-see-ums out of your home. If you suspect you have no-see-ums on your property, consult Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844.
Closer Look at the Lone Star Tick and the Allergies it Can Cause
The Lone Star Tick is one serious bad boy in the world of ticks and pests in general. Check out how problematic this tiny creepy crawly is, and why you should be worried.
Contact Slug-A-Bug for more information on tick prevention and control in your yard. We can also perform tick control on your property, helping to remediate all Florida ticks including the Lone Star Tick.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Get Rid of Carpenter Bees Using Elimination Program
Carpenter bees can do some real damage to your home. Learn about the potential for problems and how to get rid of them now.
At Slug-A-Bug, we use integrated pest management as a way to not just get rid of carpenter bees, but to prevent them from considering your home as a legitimate place to nest. Integrated pest management looks at the entire environment and ways to make it repel carpenter bees as well as other pests.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Do Fire Ants Bite or Sting?
While fire Ants bite, it is actually the sting that's painful. Most ants bite and spray an acid on the bite. Lovely, right? But Fire Ants do one better. They bite to get a secure grip on you. It's hard to break, yet the painful part comes from the sting. They'll sting in a semi-circle as they hold onto you, injecting a venom that will create a burning sensation. These stings will later welt up and turn into blisters. Some people are more sensitive to these stings than others. These blisters may also become infected if popped, which could leave permanent scars. Prevent the danger of Fire Ants by calling Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 and schedule your appointment today.