There are a few things you can do in the yard, as well, to make your home less attractive to roof rats. Keep your pet food sealed, and don't leave it out overnight. Garbage cans should have tight fitting lids. Remove any wood or brush piles on your lawn. If you keep it for firewood, store it neatly stacked and keep it at least 18 inches off of the ground. It should be several feet from your home, too. Thin your bushes and other vegetation so you can see through it. Roof rats love to nest in thick vegetation, and keeping it thinner helps to eliminate natural nesting places. For more tips, call Slug-A-Bug today for a free evaluation 321-259-7844.
You'll be able to tell if you have a problem If you have large black and yellow bees hovering around the eaves around your deck or the eaves of your home. You may also hear them. They're literally chewing the wood, and you may hear them doing just that in the infested areas. You might find sawdust, too. To get rid of carpenter bees, you'll want to call in the pest control professionals at Slug-A-Bug. Call us today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free evaluation.
There are a number of tick control methods you can use to ensure you never have to fight them. In your yard, you can create a tick-safe zone with a few simple steps. Remove any leaf litter in your yard. Carefully mow tall grasses and cut down any brush around your home. If you're near a wooded area, use wood chips or gravel to create a 3 foot barrier. It will help keep ticks from migrating into your yard. Mow frequently, and stack any firewood you have nearby. If you have a continual problem with ticks in your yard, the best thing you can do is contact the Slug-A-Bug pest professionals at 321-259-7844 today.
When palm trees have too much water, the leaves turn brown or yellow and fall off quickly. But if you're not giving it the right amount of water, and over watering can turn to under watering quickly. In that case, you're going to see the tips of the leaves begin to turn brown, and that, too, can quickly kill your tree. Adding fertilizer to your palm tree is important too, but you have to be pretty careful not to overdo it. You'll also want to make sure you're using the proper soil and pruning carefully is essential. Sound like a hassle? Call the professional palm tree specialists at Slug-A-Bug for help today at 321-259-7844.
Rats, mice, and other rodents usually stay away from humans as much as possible once they infest your home, They can still transmit disease, though. They leave their droppings and urine all over your home, and they can contaminate your food and even run across your countertops where you're preparing food. Those actions alone put you at great risk for a couple of different conditions like LCMV and the Hantavirus. Secure your health with a rodent pest control plan. Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free evaluation.
You might have fleas if you see your pets continually scratching. Odd bug bites might also be an indicator you have fleas, as is flea dirt. If you’re seeing something that looks like coarsely ground black pepper around your home where your pet sleeps, you may have fleas.
Need flea removal fast? We handle flea extermination in Brevard County. Give Slug-A-Bug a call today to learn more.
There are a number of different commonly grown grasses in Florida, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. If you don’t know exactly what type you have, though, it can be difficult to treat it well. Bahia, Bermuda, Centipede, St. Augustine, and Zoysia are just a few of the typical kinds, so if you’re not sure what’s growing out there, it might help to find out. Call in the lawn care specialists at Slug-A-Bug today and schedule a free consultation. 321-259-7844.