Monday, December 30, 2019

Practice Prevention for Better Fire Ant Control

Good fire ant control requires an understanding of what fire ants are looking for. They want a source of food, a source of water, and a place to live. You can control all of those things on your property. Start by eliminating potential nesting sites. Trim your trees and shrubs to ensure that the foliage doesn’t touch your home. If you have mulch or a similar bedding material, turn it every few weeks to keep the amount of moisture it retains lower. Mow your lawn on a regular basis, and remove your grass clippings. What are some other tips you can use to prevent fire ants? Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 for a free consultation.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why are No See Ums in My Backyard?

While No-See-Ums are a problem throughout the United States, they love both the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. In fact, there are 47 different species in the state of Florida. Eggs are laid in moist soil, which makes them a natural to this area. Like mosquitoes, they need standing water to breed, and if your home has areas that don’t drain well, you may see more of these pests than your neighbors. They also eat nectar, so if you have the perfect combination of a great garden and standing water, you’re absolutely going to have an issue in your yard. Take control with a good pest control plan. Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free consultation.


Friday, December 27, 2019

You Might Still See Mosquitoes in December but You Can Eliminate Them

Even in December, mosquitoes can survive in Florida. Learn more about their biology and what you can do to prevent a problem now. 

If you start to notice trouble over the course of the winter thanks to a warm spell, give us a call, and we’ll handle the problem for you! 


Monday, December 23, 2019

Fall Lawn Care - Tackling December Lawn Problems Now

December doesn’t mean it’s time to turn off your lawn care program. Learn what you should be doing right now and how we can help.

Developing a good fall lawn care program can be complicated. Let us help you manage it no matter what the season. Our lawn and pest control programs are designed for homeowners like you to help your lawn look great whether the neighbors are driving by to look at the Christmas lights or they’re just looking at how amazingly green your grass looks throughout the cooler months. To learn more about how we can help, contact us today.
