Monday, December 30, 2019

Practice Prevention for Better Fire Ant Control

Good fire ant control requires an understanding of what fire ants are looking for. They want a source of food, a source of water, and a place to live. You can control all of those things on your property. Start by eliminating potential nesting sites. Trim your trees and shrubs to ensure that the foliage doesn’t touch your home. If you have mulch or a similar bedding material, turn it every few weeks to keep the amount of moisture it retains lower. Mow your lawn on a regular basis, and remove your grass clippings. What are some other tips you can use to prevent fire ants? Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 for a free consultation.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why are No See Ums in My Backyard?

While No-See-Ums are a problem throughout the United States, they love both the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. In fact, there are 47 different species in the state of Florida. Eggs are laid in moist soil, which makes them a natural to this area. Like mosquitoes, they need standing water to breed, and if your home has areas that don’t drain well, you may see more of these pests than your neighbors. They also eat nectar, so if you have the perfect combination of a great garden and standing water, you’re absolutely going to have an issue in your yard. Take control with a good pest control plan. Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free consultation.


Friday, December 27, 2019

You Might Still See Mosquitoes in December but You Can Eliminate Them

Even in December, mosquitoes can survive in Florida. Learn more about their biology and what you can do to prevent a problem now. 

If you start to notice trouble over the course of the winter thanks to a warm spell, give us a call, and we’ll handle the problem for you! 


Monday, December 23, 2019

Fall Lawn Care - Tackling December Lawn Problems Now

December doesn’t mean it’s time to turn off your lawn care program. Learn what you should be doing right now and how we can help.

Developing a good fall lawn care program can be complicated. Let us help you manage it no matter what the season. Our lawn and pest control programs are designed for homeowners like you to help your lawn look great whether the neighbors are driving by to look at the Christmas lights or they’re just looking at how amazingly green your grass looks throughout the cooler months. To learn more about how we can help, contact us today.


Saturday, November 30, 2019

About Black Widow Spiders: Do Females Kill and Eat Their Mates?

Fact: There are a few different species of widow spiders around the world, and some of them do kill their mates, but the black widow you’re likely to see in and around Florida isn’t usually cannibalistic. It does happen, but much of the research on this issue took place in a lab setting, not out in the wild, which may have led to some of the cannibal rumors floating around out these spiders. Most male black widow spiders actually survive to mate multiple times, which means you do not want them around your home or yard! Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 to schedule a free consultation.


Friday, November 22, 2019

A Quarterly Pest Control Maintenance Plan Could Be Just What You Need

Regular pest control can help you maintain the value of your home and protect your health. Learn more now.

Think this service isn’t really necessary? The best pest control methods don’t come off the shelf of your local hardware store. Using our services can help ensure you don’t ever have to deal with the problem, no matter how big it is, and it keeps your family from encountering potentially harmful solutions that they should never have to see. At Slug-A-Bug, our professional, experienced team members can treat only the problems you really have and ensure those issues aren’t an ongoing threat to your home or family.

Ready to enroll in our pest control maintenance plan? Contact us today to learn more.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Get Rid of Fire Ants with These Helpful Pest Control Tips

Nearly every Florida homeowner will have to deal with fire ants at some point in time. Get the tips you need to fight them in your yard!

Even if you do what you can to prevent fire ants, you may still end up infested. Fire ant mounds reach well underground, and that means if your neighbor has them, you may still end up dealing with them on your property. Fortunately, there are plenty of good treatment methods, but don’t be tempted to grab an off-the-shelf solution at the hardware store. They’re only designed to treat the creatures you see, not the queen and thousands of other workers teeming under the soil. Off-the-shelf products mean introducing chemicals to your yard that may end up doing more harm than good. A better idea? Give us a call. We have a number of fire ant treatment options that will not only help you keep these creatures out of your yard now but well into the future too. Give us a call at 321-259-7844 to learn more about how we can help.


Saturday, November 16, 2019

Keep Palmetto Bugs Out When You Seal the Gaps

Palmetto bugs can flatten to less than the width of a quarter, and they can squeeze in spaces that are tinier than you’d imagine. That means if you have a damaged door threshold, a broken screen, or any pipe or cabling gaps in and around your home, you’ve pretty much left palmetto bugs an invitation to come in. You can get rid of palmetto bugs when you seal your home as well as you can to keep them out. Find out more tips for palmetto bugs control by calling the bug experts at Slug A Bug and schedule a free evaluation today. 321-259-7844.


Saturday, November 9, 2019

Tips for Keeping Spiders OUT of Your Home

Spiders love to hide so to keep spiders out, start with keeping your home clean. Next, you'll want to seal any cracks. Turn off the lights outside and you will minimize the food source for spiders. If you’ve tried various methods of spider prevention and it hasn’t worked, don’t worry. We handle spider control on a regular basis. Call Slug A Bug today at 321-259-7844, and we’ll not only deal with spider removal, but we’ll help you make sure they don’t come back. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

No See Ums: Learn How to Control These Biting Outdoor Pests

Have a No See Ums problem in your yard? Learn what to look for and what you can do about them with this article.

Fortunately, you don’t have to put up with this pest. With one call, we’ll help you eliminate your current problem and offer you the suggestions you need to help dump their breeding grounds on your property and live in your outdoor space without No See Ums. To learn more, contact us today.


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Black Widow Spiders in Florida: Myth vs Reality

Black widow spiders are certainly scary, and while you should treat your property for them, it’s important to know what’s real and what’s not. Find out in our blog post.

Black widow spiders exist throughout the state, and it is important to keep them out of your yard and home if at all possible, no matter what the myths may say. Fortunately, we can help with all of your spider pest control needs, whether you’re infested with black widows or another problem entirely. Give us a call today to learn more.


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Bee Prevention Tips You Need Now

There are a number of things you can do to prevent bees from nesting in your yard or around your home. First, remove any potential nesting site. If you have gaps larger than 1/8” in the walls of your home or any outbuilding, be sure you seal them immediately. If you need some gaps, like those in vents or rain spouts, cover them with screens. You may also want to cover the cavities in trees and fence posts, as well as those around your water meter and utility boxes in your home with a screen. The best bee prevention tip? Call Slug A Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free consultation.


Friday, October 25, 2019

How to Prevent Flea Infestations

If you have fleas in you home, chances are good the infestation came from a pet. These pests will often attach themselves to animals when they’re outside your home, then they come inside. Fleas depend on blood to survive, and just removing the animal from the home doesn’t always control the problem. Flea infestations take time to resolve, but steps like vacuuming and mowing your lawn often, washing your pet's bed regularly and having your pet treated at the vet for fleas can help. If you have a flea problem and need professional pest control services, call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 to schedule a free consultation.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Don't Have a Roach Problem? Keep it that Way

There are a few ways to prevent roaches in your home. Seal any potential entry points - Utility areas and crawl spaces make perfect roach entry points, so seal those with caulk. Empty trash on a regular basis, and make sure all of your food is stored in sealed containers. Sweep regularly and wipe your counters down often. Don't leave dirty dishes overnight in the sink or the dishwasher. If you have any water issues (like leaks or dripping faucets), enlist the help of a professional to repair them immediately. Need help with roach control or roach removal? Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule your free evaluation.


Saturday, October 5, 2019

Introduce Pests Like Ladybugs to Get Rid of WhiteFlies

Naturally, the best way to deal with whiteflies is to prevent them from arriving initially. That begins with a careful check of every new plant you purchase. If you bring any plants home from someone else’s garden or even a nursery, make sure they’re not already infested with whiteflies. You should also do what you can to keep beneficial insects near your plants like ladybugs and spiders. Hummingbirds, are also a natural predator of whiteflies. Using an aluminum reflective mulch on tomatoes and peppers may prove useful too, as it makes it harder for whiteflies to find the plants they want. The best prevention? Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 to schedule an evaluation. 


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

FL Love Bugs are Coming Back There are Ways to Avoid Them

Love bugs are a huge nuisance, but you may be able to reduce their population in your yard. Learn how with these tips from Slug-A-Bug.


Sunday, September 29, 2019

Yard work Tips to Keep Roof Rats Away

There are a few things you can do in the yard, as well, to make your home less attractive to roof rats. Keep your pet food sealed, and don't leave it out overnight. Garbage cans should have tight fitting lids. Remove any wood or brush piles on your lawn. If you keep it for firewood, store it neatly stacked and keep it at least 18 inches off of the ground. It should be several feet from your home, too. Thin your bushes and other vegetation so you can see through it. Roof rats love to nest in thick vegetation, and keeping it thinner helps to eliminate natural nesting places. For more tips, call Slug-A-Bug today for a free evaluation 321-259-7844. 


Monday, September 23, 2019

Has Your House Been Invaded by Carpenter Bees?

You'll be able to tell if you have a problem If you have large black and yellow bees hovering around the eaves around your deck or the eaves of your home. You may also hear them. They're literally chewing the wood, and you may hear them doing just that in the infested areas. You might find sawdust, too. To get rid of carpenter bees, you'll want to call in the pest control professionals at Slug-A-Bug. Call us today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free evaluation.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tick Prevention Tips Keep Your Family Safe

There are a number of tick control methods you can use to ensure you never have to fight them. In your yard, you can create a tick-safe zone with a few simple steps. Remove any leaf litter in your yard. Carefully mow tall grasses and cut down any brush around your home. If you're near a wooded area, use wood chips or gravel to create a 3 foot barrier. It will help keep ticks from migrating into your yard. Mow frequently, and stack any firewood you have nearby. If you have a continual problem with ticks in your yard, the best thing you can do is contact the Slug-A-Bug pest professionals at 321-259-7844 today.


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Palm Tree Maintenance Tips

When palm trees have too much water, the leaves turn brown or yellow and fall off quickly. But if you're not giving it the right amount of water, and over watering can turn to under watering quickly. In that case, you're going to see the tips of the leaves begin to turn brown, and that, too, can quickly kill your tree. Adding fertilizer to your palm tree is important too, but you have to be pretty careful not to overdo it. You'll also want to make sure you're using the proper soil and pruning carefully is essential. Sound like a hassle? Call the professional palm tree specialists at Slug-A-Bug for help today at 321-259-7844.


Friday, September 6, 2019

Why You Should Be Concerned About a Rodents

Rats, mice, and other rodents usually stay away from humans as much as possible once they infest your home, They can still transmit disease, though. They leave their droppings and urine all over your home, and they can contaminate your food and even run across your countertops where you're preparing food. Those actions alone put you at great risk for a couple of different conditions like LCMV and the Hantavirus. Secure your health with a rodent pest control plan. Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free evaluation.


Thursday, September 5, 2019

What Are the Signs Your Home Might Have a Flea Infestation?

You might have fleas if you see your pets continually scratching. Odd bug bites might also be an indicator you have fleas, as is flea dirt. If you’re seeing something that looks like coarsely ground black pepper around your home where your pet sleeps, you may have fleas. 

Need flea removal fast? We handle flea extermination in Brevard County. Give Slug-A-Bug a call today to learn more.


Sunday, September 1, 2019

Which Type of Grass are You Dealing with in Florida?

There are a number of different commonly grown grasses in Florida, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. If you don’t know exactly what type you have, though, it can be difficult to treat it well. Bahia, Bermuda, Centipede, St. Augustine, and Zoysia are just a few of the typical kinds, so if you’re not sure what’s growing out there, it might help to find out. Call in the lawn care specialists at Slug-A-Bug today and schedule a free consultation. 321-259-7844.


Friday, August 30, 2019

Do Fleas Actually Cause a Problem?

Wondering whether flea control is actually worth your time? They absolutely are. These pests can lay up to 50 eggs every single day, and if the conditions are ideal, every one of those 50 eggs can live for up to two years. While they're certainly going to be a problem for your pets, whether they live inside or outside, they're also a problem for your friends and family. Flea bites cause sores and rashes, which can lead to infection. Flea control for your home and your yard this summer is nothing short of an absolute must. Call the professionals at Slug-A-Bug Pest Control and schedule a free evaluation at 321-259-7844


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Preventing Whiteflies from Damaging Your Garden and Plants

Whiteflies can be incredibly damaging to your plants, but there are things you can do to keep them out. 

If they’ve already arrived, it might be time to contact a whitefly exterminator. We can help. Don’t even bother with the off-the-shelf solutions you see in the hardware store. They just don’t work. Instead, you’ll spend hundreds of dollars waiting to kill whiteflies that will just continue to destroy your plants. Contact us today to learn more about our methods and how we can help you save your plants.


Friday, August 23, 2019

Tips to Mouse Proof Your Home

Keep mice out of your home by sealing any potential entry points. If you have gaps in your siding or cracks in your foundation, be sure to seal them immediately. You'll also want to make sure your windows and doors fit tightly. Additionally, store all of your food in plastic containers. If you keep pet food in your home, you'll want to make certain that is sealed well, too. Don't leave your pet's bowl out overnight, either, as that will make a perfect meal for a mouse. Another tip? Call the mouse control professionals at Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844.


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Lawn Care During the Summer You Need to Know Now

Summer lawn care isn’t always easy, but these tips can help you figure out what to do so it looks great throughout the heat of the season.   

At Slug-A-Bug, we only have experienced, licensed professionals on staff who can help keep your entire landscape healthy, and we’ve been working with Brevard County residents for more than three decades to build better, healthier lawns. Ready to get started? Contact us today.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Keep Florida Woods Cockroach Outside and Away From Your Home

Avoid using ground covers or planting heavy vegetation in the beds next to your home. You may also want to keep your home's firewood as far away from the house as possible. Tight-fitting screens on the doors and windows can also help keep them out, as can sealing potential points of entry. Roaches like these actually prefer to live outside, so steps like this can keep them there. For assistance with these tips and to find out more Florida woods cockroach prevention methods, call Slug-A-Bug Pest Control today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free evaluation. 


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Do You Need a Professional Company for Roof Rat Removal?

Roof rats are a danger to your health. Learn whether you have these creatures in your home and what you can do about them now.  

If you’re dealing with this problem, contact Slug-A-Bug today because roof rats control is an absolute must. We handle roof rat removal every day, and we can help you prevent future infestation. To learn more about how we can help, contact us now.


Sunday, August 11, 2019

Fire Ants. Do You Know What to Look For?

If you've never seen a fire ant, it helps to know what you're looking for. They're usually about a fifth of an inch in length and a dark red in color. Most people identify fire ants by the mounds they build. They'll build a mound in an open, sunny area (like your lawn), and they can grow up to 24 inches in height. They're most active in the cooler hours of the day, and they feed on living insects and dead animals. They'll also damage your yard and their sting is painful. If you find fire ant mounds and need a pest control professional, call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 for a free evaluation.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Tick Control Methods: The Best Prevention Tips

Ticks! They're a serious problem in Florida, but learning more about the types of Florida ticks and how to prevent ticks in your yard can help. 

Whether you have ticks in the yard now or you’re worried about tick pest control as a whole, we can help. Contact us today to learn more.


Sunday, August 4, 2019

When is the Most Important Time to Treat for Termites?

The moment you notice an issue, it's time to call in the professionals because you can be certain the damage will get worse. Termite colonies can continue to feed on your home as long as you let them. They will burrow tunnels in every wall of your house, and at some point, they could collapse your home entirely. Wondering how you'll know whether you have a problem? Call the termite and pest control professionals at Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free consultation. 


Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Preventing Carpenter Bees BEFORE Potential Damage to Your Home

Carpenter bee control is best achieved through prevention. There are a few things you can do to keep them out.

Need to get rid of carpenter bees instead of preventing them? Contact us today for help! We’ll not only ensure your pest infestation is completely eliminated, but we’ll show you how to keep it from happening in the future. 


Monday, July 29, 2019

Professional Palm Tree Care Keeps Your Landscape Beautiful

Think you can handle your palm tree care on your own? You may want to rethink professional palm tree care if any of these are a problem.

Whether you’re already making these mistakes or you have a new palm tree you want to ensure becomes a fixture for years to come, specialized palm tree care can help. Contact Slug-A-Bug today to learn more about our palm tree care.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Are Centipedes Dangerous?

As terrifying as they look, these creatures aren't actually dangerous, in most cases. In fact, they're rather helpful. They eat moths, roaches, and any other small bugs they can find. Unlike other household infestations, they don't even damage your home. While some bugs will infest the food in your pantry, eat your home's foundation, or hurt the furniture, centipedes really don't do anything but no one wants to find a centipede scurrying across their bathroom floor at midnight. For centipede removal tips, call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844.  


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Why Tick Prevention is a Big Deal

Ticks can carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which is widely considered to be one of the most serious tick-borne illnesses in the United States today. Without treatment, the disease becomes fatal. It is primarily transmitted by the American dog tick, and once you're infected, you may notice a red spotted rash, as well as a high fever, a headache, and a lack of appetite. Gulf Coast ticks transmit Rickettsia parkeri, which results in a sore, fever, and muscle pain. Lyme disease is another possibility. To protect you and your family, call the pest control professionals at Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and implement a tick prevention plan.


Thursday, July 18, 2019


Termites are a serious problem in Florida, but understanding what to watch out for and how to prevent them can help keep your home termite free 


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Why a Rodent Infestation is a Danger to Your Health

Rodent removal is necessary for many reasons, but one of the most important is the serious health impact these little guys can have. Learn more with this post.

A rodent infestation can mean serious health problems for you and your family, making rodent removal an absolute must. To learn more about how we can get rid of rodents in your home, contact us today.


Sunday, July 14, 2019

White Fly Control in Your Garden

Consider reflective mulches to help repel them from your garden. You may also want to encourage beneficial predators like ladybugs and spiders to help keep whiteflies off of your plants. Once you've found a problem in your garden, your best bet is to work with a pest control professional to help eliminate it immediately. Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 for a free evaluation


Facts About the Florida Woods Cockroach You Should Know

Florida Woods cockroaches certainly look intimidating. Find out how to keep them out of your home with these tips. 

Need help getting rid of cockroaches? Contact us today. We’ll come out, evaluate the problem, and help you decide on the perfect next step.


Saturday, July 13, 2019

Controlling Fleas with a Pest Control Plan for Your Home and Yard

Flea pest control is a must if you have pets or kids in your yard, and this quick guide will help you get there.

Flea control is a serious issue. The last thing you want to do is spend hundreds on store-bought solutions that won’t actually help. Instead, the moment you know fleas have become a problem, contact us at Slug-A-Bug! We’ll evaluate both your home and your yard and find the treatment method that’s right for you and your pets.


Friday, July 12, 2019

When is the Best Time to Treat for Termites?

Many homeowners aren't quite sure when to treat for termites, but if any of these situations has occurred in your life, you're going to know the time for termite pest control is right now. 

To learn more about how Slug-A-Bug can help you prevent termites in your home or eliminate a problem you already have, contact us today. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Roof Rats Pest Control Starts with This First Step

One good step toward roof rats control is to eliminate that food supply. Pick all of the fruit from any fruit or nut trees you have. Make sure you don't have any fallen fruit in your yard either. You also shouldn't leave any pet food out. Make sure your garbage cans have locking lids that will keep rats out. If you fill bird feeders daily, you may want to be careful of roof rats eating that food. For more tips and professional advice, contact Slug-A-Bug at 321-259-7844 for a free evaluation. 


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Dehumidifying Your House is One Way to Keep Centipedes Away

Centipedes look for moist spaces and it's easy for a home in Florida to be that moist space. If you think it's time to lower the humidity level in your home, consider a whole home system. Centipedes are a part of life in Florida, and while house centipedes aren't typically dangerous, it's better to keep them out than have them in. To learn more about centipede pest removal or to have your home checked for an infestation, contact Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 #centipede 


Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Basic Differences Between Bees and Wasps

Bees are about two and a half centimeters in length with wasps being a bit longer. Bees live in large colonies up to 75,000 and hibernate during the winter while wasps prefer smaller living quarters and do not hibernate. What's the biggest difference? Their sting. Bees typically lose their stinger after biting while wasps can keep on stinging. Either is going to be very painful and the best reason to leave bee or wasp removal to the professionals. Call Slug-A-Bug today at 321-259-7844 and schedule a free consultation.  


Thursday, June 27, 2019

What to Do to Keep Mice Outside

Many different types of mice call Florida their home so you'll want to take steps to keep them outside and out of your house. Make sure your windows shut tightly and seal all gaps in your home. Keep food in containers and wipe down your counters regularly. But more importantly, act fast. If you find evidence of mice in your home, call the pest control professionals at Slug-A-Bug today for a free evaluation at 321-259-7844. 


Monday, June 24, 2019

Sunny Florida is the Perfect Spot for Fire Ant Mounds and Colonies

Fire ants are more than a nuisance pest. They can be a real danger to your entire family. Take a look at how to identify them and what you can do to keep fire ants out of your yard forever.

When you’re looking for ant pest control for fire ants or any other kind of ants, look no further than Slug-A-Bug. We’re here to eliminate all of your pest problems and provide the best possible service. It’s our guarantee. To learn more, give us a call today at 321-259-7844.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Did you know that changing the way you store your pet food could eliminate your mouse control problem? Get more tips now.  


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Tick Prevention Tips to Protect Your Family During Tick Season

Ticks are a bit scary, but they don't have to invade your yard this year. Learn what you can do to prevent a big tick problem now.

If you’ve tried everything and you’re still dealing with tick problems, it’s time to call in the professionals. At Slug-A-Bug, we’ll help you deal with ticks and any other pest problems you may have. Give us a call today to learn more.  


Thursday, May 30, 2019


Centipedes may be a part of life in Florida but it doesn't mean you have to live with them in your house. Contact Slug-A-Bug to learn about our pest control services: 
