Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why are Bed Bugs Suddenly a Problem?

People have been hearing a lot lately about the bed bug resurgence and how these nasty little blood-suckers are showing up in luxury hotels around the country. It seems hard to believe that in this day and age we could still be plagued by bed bugs and that they could be so very hard to eradicate.  

Bed bugs were, for the most part, just a bad memory after World War II thanks to pesticides like DDT and Malathion. But over time these parasites have developed a tolerance for the chemicals that are traditionally used to treat them, and have become increasingly resistant to them. Because of that, their populations have grown exponentially and they are now on the move around the globe. Many international travelers have inadvertently provided passage for bed bugs in their luggage or clothing when they returned from trips abroad.

Read the rest of the post here:

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