With the number of bed bug reports circulating through the media on an almost daily basis, most people are concerned with the increase in bed bug infestation and whether it can happen to them. These disgusting bugs were almost eradicated in the 1940’s but in the past 15 years, the number of reported cases has steadily been increasing.
Why? How? What do we do about them? Bed bugs are small light-brown to reddish-brown, flat-bodied insects that grossly and exclusively feed off the blood of humans, although some species are animal specific. Since they are nocturnal and come out to feed generally at night, their prey is usually asleep and unaware they are being bitten. The signs that there is an infestation usually happen when a human has a reaction to the bites and develops small, red bumps that are sometimes on the arms, legs but more often around the neck and face area.
Although bed bugs are visible to the naked eye they hide during the day along and inside mattresses, other bedding, and in cracks and crevices in headboards and other areas. Other signs of infestation are small fecal droppings and blood smears when the droppings are smeared on fabric or other areas. They tend to congregate in groups but can be found individually.
Once bed bugs are found, there are various ways to control and eliminate them with practical methods, pesticides and non-pesticides.
Various practical methods of eradicating bed bugs is to vacuum the entire area, washing or disposing of all linens and mattresses, heat treating the headboard and other bed structure and wrapping mattresses or placing a plastic mattress cover over them after heat treating.
- Insect Growth Regulators (IGR’s) are chemical sprays that inhibit the growth or development of a bed bug. They essentially do not kill the bed bugs but prevent normal reproduction of the eggs and larvae and thus decreasing their numbers.
- Diatomaceous earth or otherwise known as bed bug dust is very effective in killing bed bugs. The dust has razor sharp particles in it that when the bed bug walks through it they get cuts on their body. Slowly they become dehydrated and die but this method does take time and are not instantaneous.
- Other chemical methods are available through your professional pest control expert and can be very effective in killing and preventing bed bugs.
Your home can become infested with bed bugs from transfer from a human or pet visitor to your home, from your visiting another location on vacation, bringing used furniture or bedding home or any other method of human or pet transfer. Bed bug eggs take approximately 2 weeks to hatch and even the adult bugs can live in these items and on person so they can be easily transferred from one place to another. Keep in mind that bed bugs do not live strictly in messy or dirty places and can be found just as easily in clean homes.
Prevention and awareness of these disruptive bugs and common sense precautions can help keep the dreaded bed bug from making your home their place of residence any time soon.
Source: http://www.slugabug.com/2013/05/24/bothered-by-bed-bugs/
-For more information on Pest Control, visit: http://www.slugabug.com
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